vendredi 29 février 2008

16 Horsepower

"16 Horsepower was an alternative/traditional musical group based in Denver, Colorado. Their music was usually serious in tone with distinct Christian religious lyrics dealing with conflict and redemption. They consisted of David Eugene Edwards, Jean-Yves Tola, and Pascal Humbert (the latter two formerly of the band Passion Fodder). After releasing four studio albums and touring extensively, the band broke up in 2005, citing "mostly political and spiritual" differences.

Since summer 2007, David Eugene Edwards and Pascal Humbert are performing 16 Horsepower songs like "American Wheeze" or "Harm's Way" with the band Woven Hand."


Acknowledged influences on the band included Joy Division, The Gun Club, Nick Cave and The Birthday Party. 16 Horsepower would eventually share the same management as Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and tour with them. [2] They also collaborated with French band Noir Désir on a cover of The Gun Club's "Fire Spirit" for the 1998 EP The Partisan.


Final line-up

Former members





16 Horsepower - South Pennsylvania Waltz

16 Horsepower - Red Neck Reel

16 Horsepower - Splinters

16 Horsepower - La robe à parasol

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